WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin OUR TRIUNE GOD Celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity with this prayer: Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me in His own image and likeness. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood redeemed me, delivered me from hell, and opened the gates of heaven to me. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who sanctified me at my Baptism, and continues to bless me through the Sacraments and graces that He offers me each day. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. On this Spiritual Workout Wednesday , meditate on the mystery of the Holy Trinity and pray the Glory Be each day during this week. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen