Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin

Born: January 23, 1978

Professed Solemn Vows: August 15, 2011

Transitional Diaconate: October 1, 2011

Ordained: July 12, 2012

Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin
was born in Dodama Tanzania, Africa, on January 23, 1978. Father has five brothers and five sisters. They include Laurian, Assunta, Yustina, Eda, Beatus, Renata, Janes, Selestino, Karol, and the late Neema/Grace. Father is the eighth of eleven children born to Herman Joseph Msigala and Roza Daniel Kiyanga, who celebrated more than sixty years of marriage in June 2022, surrounded by family and friends. Fr. Marino's father, Herman Joseph, entered into eternal life in his 92nd year, on December 19, 2022.


Father felt the call to the ministerial priesthood at an early age as a youngster nurtured by devout parents in a pious Catholic family. He completed his primary education in 1995, secondary education in 1999, and advanced secondary education in 2002. The Capuchin Friars from the Province of Tuscany Italy, who served in his home parish of St. Francis Parish Kwangulelo in the Archdiocese of Arusha, were influential in Father’s decision to join a religious community of men.

Capuchin Franciscan Friar

Father Marino joined the Capuchin Franciscans, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province of Tanzania, Africa and entered the Kasita Novitiate House in Arusha. He professed solemn vows as a Capuchin Franciscan Friar on August 15, 2011.  

Education and Ordination

Fr. Marino earned his Bachelor of Philosophy Degree from the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome, Italy in 2008 and completed his Bachelor of Theology Degree in 2012 from the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, Italy. Father was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on October 1, 2011, at Jordan Chapel in Morogoro and ordained to the Ministerial Priesthood at Kibakwe Parish Diocese of Dodoma on July 12, 2012, by Archbishop Gervas John M.  Nyaisonga.

Ministry in Tanzania

Fr. Marino’s first assignment as a newly ordained priest was as Associate Pastor at St. Francis Parish, Kwangulelo, in the Diocese of Arusha in October 2012. In September 2016, he was assigned as pastor of the same parish.

Studies and Ministry in the United States of America

Following his service as Pastor in his home country of Tanzania, Father was assigned to the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Augustine in Pittsburgh, PA, United States, to continue his education. He was assigned to St. John the Baptist Friary in New Baltimore, PA, and as Sacramental Minister at Immaculate Conception Church in Dudley, PA. During his tenure there in 2021, Father completed the Master of Science Degree in Church Management from Villanova University in Philadelphia, PA.

Upon completing his graduate studies, Father was transferred to Our Lady of the Angels Friary in Pittsburgh, PA, and assigned as chaplain, and pastoral care with the Allegheny Health Network, West Penn Hospital.

            Fr. Marino with his parents, Herman Joseph and Roza Daniel Msigala 
                                    on their 62nd Wedding Anniversary 

Herman Joseph and Roza Daniel Msigala, parents of Fr. Marino.

The celebration continued surrounded by the love of family and friends.

The Msigala Family Photo
                               June 2022


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