

WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin 6 RULES OF LIFE Make peace with your past So, it won’t disturb your present. Let time heal your wounds Give time a chance. Take charge of your own happiness No one else can do it for you. Avoid judging others You have no idea what their life journey involves. Stop thinking too much Sometimes, it’s okay not to know the answers. Smile broadly and often You don’t own all the problems of the world. On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY , consider these 6 rules of life and write your own number 7 that might be most meaningful to your life. Maybe it’s about patience, forgiveness, generosity, or kindness. Which life rule will you abide by this week?


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin KEEP YOUR FORK! A young woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to live decided to get her things in order. She contacted her pastor and reviewed her final wishes with him. After discussing the details of her funeral plans, the pastor was ready to leave when the woman said, "There's one more thing. I must be buried with a fork in my right hand.” The pastor was puzzled, but the woman explained, "My grandmother once told me this story, and from that time on, I have always tried to pass along its message to those I love and those who are in need of encouragement. She said, “After most dinner celebrations, the waiter often says, ‘Keep your fork.’   That was my favorite part because I knew something better was coming, like velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful was about to happen!” So, I want people to see m...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin PRAYER…SIMPLY SPEAKING WITH JESUS When the pastor arrived to anoint Johnny, his elderly parishioner, he noticed an empty chair beside his bed. The priest thought that the chair was for him and thanked him. But Johnny explained that it was not. "All my life, I never knew how to pray. Often, I heard others talk about prayer, but it went right over my head. I finally gave up." Johnny continued, "Until one day four years ago, a friend said to me, "Johnny, prayer is a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Try this. Sit down, place an empty chair in front of you, and imagine Jesus sitting there with you. Remember, He promised, 'I will be with you always'. Then speak to Him just like you're doing with me." "So, I tried it, and I liked it so much that I do it for a couple of hours every day. I'm careful, though. If my family saw me talking ...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin   THE KNOT PRAYER Dear God, Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart, and my life. REMOVE the have-nots, cannons, and do-nots that hinder me. ERASE the will nots, may nots, ought nots, and might nots that inhibit me. RELEASE me from the could nots, would nots, and should nots that restrict me. And most of all, dear God, please remove from my mind, my heart, and my life all the AM NOTS that I have allowed to hold me back. Especially FREE me from the thought that I am not good enough. On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY , pray that the knots that bind your life become loosened. Be mindful of the knots that entangle you. Begin the new year with KNOWS , not KNOTS . KNOW that you are good enough. Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin WHEN I SAY, "I AM A CHRISTIAN." When I say ~ I am a Christian I'm not shouting, "I am saved." I'm whispering, "I get lost" That is why I chose this way. When I say ~ I am a Christian, I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble And need someone to be my guide.   When I say ~ I am a Christian, I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I am weak And pray for strength to carry on.   When I say ~ I am a Christian, I'm not bragging about success. I'm admitting I have failed And cannot ever pay the debt.   When I say ~ I am a Christian, I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are too visible But God believes I'm worth it.   When I say ~ I am a Christian, I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches Which is why I seek HIS name.   ...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala,  OFM Capuchin THE FOURTH WISE MAN In the mountains of ancient Persia lived Artaban, whose study of the planets and the stars led him to predict the birth of the King of Kings. He sold his house and every possession and purchased a large sapphire blue as a fragment of the night sky, a flawless ruby redder than a ray of sunrise, and a lustrous pearl as pure as the peak of a snow mountain at twilight – which he intended to carry as a tribute to the King. He then set out for Jerusalem, where he had arranged to meet up with three other wise men, or Magi, to find the newborn. After many weeks of difficult travel and frustrating delays, he saw a man lying on the road one night. His haggard face, pallid skin, and labored breathing bore the mark of a deadly fever. But, as he turned to leave, the man begged for help. Artaban hesitated. If he lingered to minister to a dying stranger even for an hour, he could mi...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala,  OFM Capuchin   I CHOOSE To live by choice, not chance. To be motivated, not manipulated. To be useful, not used. To make changes, not excuses. To excel, not to compete. I choose calm, not anxiety. I choose courage, not fear. I choose service, not selfishness. I choose belief, not doubt. I choose to listen to the inner voice of God, not the world's distractions.   On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY , ask yourself what you choose. Why do you make the choices that you do? What changes do you need to make in the choices you make?


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin   8 POWERFUL THOUGHTS...  JUST FOR THE DAY   BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Believe that you can and you will. With God, all things are possible. STAY STRONG Dream, believe, achieve. God is your strength.   PERSEVERE A little progress each day adds up. Wait on the Lord, and He will hear you.   BE GRATEFUL A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. Give thanks in all circumstances.   WORK HARD Good things come to those who hustle. Work as if everything depended on you; pray as if everything depended on God.   STAY HUMBLE Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise. He is meek and humble of heart. Learn from Him.   BE KIND Kindness makes you more beautiful. The living expression of God is kindness to others.   KEEP SMILING If you see someone without a smile, give them yours. God loves you and red...


  WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala,  OFM Capuchin W ORDS OF ADVICE In generosity and helping others BE LIKE A RIVER. In compassion and grace, BE LIKE THE SUN. In concealing others’ faults, BE LIKE THE NIGHT. In anger and fury, BE LIKE THE DEAD. In modesty and humility, BE LIKE THE SOIL. In tolerance, BE LIKE THE OCEAN. Either you appear as you are or be as you appear.                                                                                           ...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala,  OFM Capuchin   AN ATHEIST’S VIEW OF LIFE I will live my life according to these beliefs. God does not exist Is just foolish to think That there is a God with a cosmic plan That an all-powerful God brings redemption and healing to the pain and suffering in the world  Is a comforting thought. I s only wishful thinking. People can do as they please without eternal consequences. The idea that  I am deserving of Hell Is a lie meant to make me a slave to those in power b ecause of sin “The more you have, the happier you will be.” Our existence has no grand meaning or purpose In a world with no God There is freedom to be who I want to be But with God Everything is fine It is ridiculous to think I am lost and in need of saving. On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY , learn a Christian’s view of life. Reread the statement above, but this time, read each sen...