WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin ONE CHANCE AT LIFE; WILL YOU TAKE IT? Life is an opportunity; benefit from it. Life is beauty; admire it. Life is bliss; taste it. Life is a challenge; meet it. Life is a duty; complete it. Life is a game; play it. Life is costly; care for it. Life is wealth; manage it. Life is a mystery; know it. Life is a promise; fulfill it. Life is a sorrow; overcome it. Life is a song; sing it. Life is a struggle; accept it. Life is a tragedy; confront it. Life is an adventure; dare it. Life is luck; make it. Life is precious; nurture it. Life is life; protect it. ~ St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, make a resolution to live your best life by appreciating and respecting it as a gift from God. Remember that the gift of life comes with a price tag. How will you repay God for the gift of life He has given you? What will you do with t...