
Showing posts from August, 2024


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin A SHORT COURSE IN HUMAN RELATIONS The 6 most important words: I admit I made a mistake. The 5 most important words: You did a good job. The 4 most important words: What is your opinion? The 3 most important words: If you please. The 2 most important words: Thank you! The 1 most important word: We The least important word: I On this  SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, review this short course and try to use these 20 most important words when you talk with family, friends, and neighbors this week. What are some other important words that might improve your relationships with others?


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY  A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin WHAT’S IN YOUR SURVIVAL KIT? Science says that we need at least 4 basic elements to survive: Water Air Food Light And look what the Bible tells us about Jesus: I am the living Water. I am the Breath of Life. I am the Bread of Life. I am the Light of the World.   Science is right! We need Jesus to survive…and thrive! On this  SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, pack up your survival kit and journey with Jesus. How will you reflect His light to others? How will you share your survival kit so that others can survive and thrive!


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin NO PAIN; NO GAIN Grapes are trampled to make wine.   Coal is compressed to make diamonds.   Olives are crushed to release oil. Seeds are buried to bloom to fruition. When you feel trampled, compressed, crushed, buried… You are in a powerful place of transformation. Get ready for change. Prepare to be a better you. God has a plan for you. Trust His process.   On this  SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, get ready, prepare, trust the path, trust your inner light, trust the Holy Spirit, and trust God’s process. Accept the transformation that lies ahead, knowing that God is transforming you into a better version of yourself. Remember, “God saw everything that He made, and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31.


WEDNESDAY WORKOUT A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin PRAYER OF UNKNOWING My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. I don't really know myself, and just because I think I am following Your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.   But I believe that the desire to please You does, in fact, please You. I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.   And I know that if I do this, You will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it.   Therefore, I will trust You always, though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.   I will not fear, for You are ever with me, and You will never leave me to face my perils alone.   You are my rock, my anchor, and my reassurance at all times, especially when I have no idea where I am goi...