

WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS FILLED WITH 12 GIFTS The traditional season of Christmastide or Twelvetide begins on December 25, with daily festivities and gift giving, culminating in the feast of Epiphany, January 6, the manifestation of Jesus to the world. Rather than partridges in pear trees and endless drummers drumming, here are twelve sacred gifts, dear to the hearts of those who celebrate Christ year ’round. Enjoy opening each one! On the 1st day of Christmas our true love gave us LOVE : “See what great love the Father has lavished on us.” 1 John 3:1 On the 2nd day of Christmas our true love gave us HOPE : “For you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5 On the 3rd day of Christmas our true love gave us WISDOM : “He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Daniel 2:21 On the 4th day of Christmas our true love gave us JOY: “He will yet fil...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Spiritual Workout with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin YOUR DESTINY IS IN YOUR HANDS There once was a wise man that was known throughout the land for his wisdom. One day a young boy, feeling that it was his duty, decided to test the wise man and prove that the wise man was a fake. The boy thought to himself, “I will bring a live bird to test the wise man. I will hold the bird behind my back and I will ask him whether the bird is dead or alive. If he says that it is alive, I will squeeze the bird and kill it. If he says the bird is dead, I will free the bird and let him fly away. Either way, I will prove that the wise man is a fake!” With that idea in mind, he approached the wise man and asked, “Oh wise man, I have a bird in my hand. Can you tell me if the bird is dead or alive?” The wise man paused for a moment and replied, “Young man, that which you hold in your hands is what you make of it. If you wish the bird to be dead, then it will die. If...


  WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout  with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin PRAYING THE “O” ANTIPHONS WITH HOPEFUL EXPECTATION The Roman Catholic Church has been praying the "O" Antiphons since at least the eighth century. These are special intercessions and prayers offered to the Infant Jesus expressing our hopes and desires as we await His coming.  They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament.  They proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes but present ones as well. Their repeated use of the imperative "Come!" embodies the longing of all for the Divine Messiah. Let’s pray the “O” Antiphons together in spirit this season! December 17 O Wisdom  of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!   December 18 O Leader  of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout  with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin IS IT REALLY DIRTY LAUNDRY? A young, successful couple found their dream home. Shortly after purchasing it, the couple sat at their kitchen table to indulge in a delicious breakfast. The wife looked out the window, and to her surprise, she saw her neighbor hanging dirty laundry on the clothesline. “That laundry isn’t clean, it’s still dirty!” she said to her husband. “Someone needs to teach her a thing or two when it comes to washing her clothes!” A couple of days later, the couple sat down at their kitchen table for another meal. The wife saw her neighbor hanging clothes on the clothesline. But this time something was different. “Wow, look!” the surprised wife said to her husband, “Her clothes are clean! Someone must have taught her how to do her laundry.” Without raising his head from his plate, the husband kindly responded, “Actually, honey, I got up early this morning and washed th...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout  with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin WHAT DO YOU OWN AND WHAT OWNS YOU? Reflecting on the meaning of stewardship, Bishop Thomas Murphy, Archbishop of Seattle, asks a two-part question. “What do I own, and what owns me? An honest answer to this question makes us realize that we own nothing and that God owns us. We are His. We conclude that we own nothing. We control nothing. Both the ordinary and the most profound moments of our life belong to God. Of course, most of us have worked long and hard for what we have. But we should not forget that if it weren’t for the health, intelligence, opportunities, work skills, and values that we have been given, we would not have been able to accomplish much. Even when we experience challenges we cannot humanly overcome, faith teaches us that it is not up to us. God has a plan for everything that happens to us. Only with God is everything possible. Thanksgiving is a mindset. It is a way...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout  with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin CHRIST PROMISED 7 "NEVERS" TO THOSE WHO TRUST IN HIM. THIS IS ONE OF THEM. “I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life” ( Revelation 3:5 ) Scripture teaches we who believe in Jesus Christ will have our name written in the Book of Life, in which God records the names of every person destined for heaven. Once our names are there, they will never be erased. We are His forever.  Jesus promised, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand”  (John 10:28-29 ). We don’t know when inevitable suffering or loss will happen to our families or us. Will we encounter multiple struggles and sorrows or have a comparatively easy life? We can depend on that, through Christ, we’ll never be alone or abandoned. We’ll...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout  with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin LOSS, LOVE, GRATITUDE During November, we mourn the loss of loved ones, but we also celebrate their lives and what they meant to us in our own lives. We are grateful for those who walked beside us and continue to do so even after they’re gone from our sight. We believe in the afterlife. We believe we will meet again. We mourn their loss, but we are thankful for the love we shared. Today, take a moment to think of family and friends who have gone before us.  On this Spiritual Workout Wednesday,  let’s pray for each one with special fervor and celebrate their lives in the knowledge that someday we will be together again.


  WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout  with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin NOVEMBER: MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE As we begin November, the month of remembrance, we pray in a special way for our loved ones who have gone before us. Our faith teaches that the Church is comprised of three states of being. The Church Triumphant in heaven, the Church Militant on earth, and the Church Suffering in purgatory. One of the most beautiful things about the Church is that it is the Body of Christ. Whether it’s the Church on Earth, Heaven, or Purgatory, it is all one Body, and it is all connected. Our ability to intercede for one another comes through our interconnection in the Mystical Body of Christ. Praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory is one of the beautiful ways of experiencing that reality. Purgatory is that state in which people who have died in God’s Grace but have not let go of some of the imperfections and attachments of sin, go through purification before ente...


Fr. Marino H. Msigala,  OFM Capuchin Born: January 23, 1978 Professed Solemn Vows: August 15, 2011 Transitional Diaconate: October 1, 2011 Ordained: July 12, 2012 Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin was born in Dodama Tanzania, Africa, on January 23, 1978. Father has five brothers and five sisters. They include Laurian, Assunta, Yustina, Eda, Beatus, Renata, Janes, Selestino, Karol, and the late Neema/Grace. Father is the eighth of eleven children born to Herman Joseph Msigala and Roza Daniel Kiyanga, who celebrated more than sixty years of marriage in June 2022, surrounded by family and friends. Fr. Marino's father, Herman Joseph, entered into eternal life in his 92nd year, on December 19, 2022. Youth Father felt the call to the ministerial priesthood at an early age as a youngster nurtured by devout parents in a pious Catholic family. He completed his primary education in 1995, secondary education in 1999, and advanced secondary education in 2002. The Capuchin Friars from th...