Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin
During the past
Sundays at Holy Mass, we have read that after His resurrection, Jesus appeared
to Peter and the Apostles, to Mary, His Mother, and His Mother’s sister, Mary,
the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene, and to many other disciples. Now, this
week we will read that Jesus joins two disciples, one unnamed and the other
known as Cleopas as they travel from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus, an
unfamiliar village. This was not accidental.
The travelers
don’t recognize Jesus when He comes alongside them and joins their
conversation. They show their surprise at His not knowing what happened during
the last week in Jerusalem. So, they tell Him about all the events that
occurred. They reveal their disappointment, their sadness, and their despair
that their hope for the coming of the Messiah was dashed. They tell their
unrecognized fellow traveler that all is lost. Then Jesus opens the scriptures and
said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the
prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to
suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with
Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all
the Scriptures concerning himself.”
When Jesus
accepted their hospitality, He joined them for supper, and they recognize Him
in the breaking of the bread. The eyes of their minds, hearts, and souls were
opened. What a revelation that must have been! Their hopes and dreams were suddenly
revived, and their faith was renewed by the loving actions of Jesus.
Sometimes we go
to church and experience disappointment or discouragement. We feel that we are
not fed. We complain that the sermon wasn’t uplifting. The music was not
inspiring. The parishioners were not welcoming. Like the disciples on the road
to Emmaus. We are dissatisfied, discouraged, and disillusioned. We are hungry
for more and tend to escape to Emmaus.
Yet, Holy Mass
is a smorgasbord, a banquet of plenty. In the Holy Mass, we encounter Jesus, and
He reveals Himself to us through the opening of the scriptures and the breaking
of the bread. The scriptures and the Eucharist are food for our souls. We get
out of Holy Mass what we put into it. Bring an open mind, heart, and soul and
leave with a satisfied mind, loving heart, and peaceful soul ready to share the
Risen Lord with others. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we must allow
our eyes to be opened.
On this
Spiritual Workout Wednesday, let’s commit not only to attending Holy Mass
frequently, but also to bringing an open mind, heart, and soul to the banquet.
So that with the opening of the scriptures and the breaking of the bread, we
can be fully fed for the work and the week ahead.
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