
Showing posts from December, 2024


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with  Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin BE A BRIDGE BUILDER One of the many things that surprised me when I first moved to Pittsburgh, PA, was the number, size, and beauty of its bridges. Even though each bridge created a different and valuable connection, there seemed to be far too many for one city to have. I realized that bridges provide a secure way for others to overcome obstacles and reach their destination safely, and I understood the need for so many different kinds. After using many of the bridges in my travels, it was apparent that all the bridges were necessary because, without them, it would be impossible for people and vehicles to cross the rivers, neighborhoods, hills, and valleys throughout the city. Thanks be to God for the gifted and talented architects and engineers who designed and built such beautiful and practical bridges. They became the city's focal point, and Pittsburgh became known as the “city of bridges.” As...


   WORKOUT WEDNESDAY    A Midweek Spiritual Workout with    Fr. Marino H. Msigala,     OFM Capuchin    HE IS WAITING FOR US The reality of Advent Is not that we are waiting for Him… for the birth of the Christ Child. The reality of Advent  Is that the Christ Child is already here  and waiting for us to come to Him. He is crying out to us from the unhoused. He is beckoning us from the hungry. He is seeking us in the lonely. He is whispering to us in the forgotten. He is motioning to us in the hopeless. He is calling to us from the poor. He is shouting to us from prison. He is waiting for us to love Him. He is waiting for us to recognize Him in others. He is waiting for us to live our faith. He is waiting for us to seek justice. He is waiting for us to pursue peace. Let us go to Him. He is waiting for us.   On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, don’t make Jesus wait for you any longer. Run to meet Him in prayer, at Holy...


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin DO YOU HAVE ROOM FOR HIM? “Each of us  Is an innkeeper Who decides If there is room for Him.” ~Neal Maxwell 1926-2004 On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY , ask yourself if you have room for Jesus in your heart and home. If not, ask yourself why not. During this Advent season, make room for Him. Invite Him into your heart and home. This is a life-changing decision. His presence is the best present. Gift yourself with His presence. 


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin THE ADVENT OF GOD; THE GOD OF ADVENT May the Advent God be with you, Inviting you to an eager expectation  Of new life within you. May you know HOPE, May you know PEACE, May you know JOY, As you await the birth of what is to be within you. May the life you embrace Be a sharing in the life of God and the God of life And incarnation among us. May the Advent God bless you! ~Sr. Maxine Shonk, O.P. On this SPIRITUAL WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, be still and wait with eager expectation for the advent of God, who promises to renew you and bring you new life. Be still and know that He is God. He is life. He is!


WORKOUT WEDNESDAY A Midweek Spiritual Workout with Fr. Marino H. Msigala, OFM Capuchin AN ADVENT  BLESSING FOR WAITING Who wait for the night to end  bless them. Who wait for the night to begin bless them. Who wait in the hospital room  who wait in the cell who wait, in prayer, bless them. Who wait for news who wait for the phone call who wait for a word who wait for a job, a house, a child bless them. Who wait for one who will come home who wait for one who will not come home bless them. Who wait with fear who wait with joy who wait with peace who wait with rage who wait for the end who wait for the beginning who wait alone who wait together bless them. Who wait without knowing what they wait for or why bless them. Who wait when they should not wait who wait when they should be in motion who wait when they need to rise who wait when they need to set out bless them. Who wait for the end of waiting who wait for the fullness of time who wait emptied and open and ready who w...